Can I Extend the Life of My Bridge?
A porcelain fixed bridge is an investment of time and money. Therefore, many patients want to make sure they keep their bridge for as long as possible.
There are three ways to do this:
1. Practice Excellent Home Care
The top two reasons dental bridges need to be replaced are periodontal (gum) disease and dental decay. Good home care can help prevent both.
Make sure to floss your bridge daily – and thoroughly – using floss threaders. Use the C-Shape flossing technique to clean under the gumline.
Brush your teeth and dental restorations at least twice a day, if not after every meal and snack. If possible, use an electric toothbrush. The smaller toothbrush head will help you navigate around the curves of the teeth and crowns so you can clean every surface and under the gums.
Talk to your dentist about whether other dental tools would benefit you, like a WaterPik.
2. Get Regular Dental Check-Ups and Cleanings
If caught in the earliest stages, dental decay (earliest stage: decalcification) and gum disease can be arrested or even reversed. Regular dental check-ups help your Downey dentist catch issues early so they can treat them before they cause significant problems, like losing your bridge.
3. Watch Your Diet
After getting a porcelain fixed bridge in Downey, make sure you stick to a healthy diet. While this will benefit your overall health, avoiding or limiting certain foods can help preserve your bridge. Sticky, sugary foods contribute to dental decay. Reducing them can keep your teeth healthy and your bridge strong.